When taking vitamins for performance, it’s important to tap into ingredients that have staying power for your next workout, adventure, or expedition. That’s where Liquid Health outperforms the rest.
Every exceptional ingredient we source is backed by rigorous science and tested by members of our team.
When it comes to energy, we tap into the power of nature, so you can stay clear of caffeine or harmful energy drinks. We also use special ingredients that promote performance, muscle gain, and have a symbiotic benefit to activated B-vitamins we include in each blend. Finally, don’t be surprised to see nature wonder foods like aloe vera and coconut water, which are incredibly rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and nutrients vital for performance.
We source from the USA whenever possible, as long as it meets our high standards. We always pull ingredients directly from nature, unless for a scientific reason that we explain to you. We try for organic wherever we can. We always opt for the most effective form, even when it costs more to produce.
When you want to perform at your peak, fueled by nature