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Using CBD For Anxiety and Insomnia

Cbd Oil has been in use for decades now, and as its popularity increases, more and more research is being done on its benefits and uses. The Permanente Journal published a study directed by Scott Shannon, M.D., in 2016 on the use of cbd for anxiety and insomnia. The case study, “offers evidence that CBD is effective as a safe alternative treatment to traditional psychiatric medications for reducing anxiety and insomnia.”

How Our Bodies Use CBD For Anxiety and Much More

In this study on cbd for anxiety and insomnia, a young girl suffering from PTSD induced anxiety and insomnia was observed over the course of 3 years. Multiple supplements were administered, and some helped, but cbd showed the most obvious results and effectiveness in helping with her symptoms. The study explains how our bodies can use cbd for anxiety, insomnia, pain, and other symptoms:
“Two cannabinoid receptors are known to exist in the human body: CB1 and CB2 receptors. The CB1 receptors are located mainly in the brain and modulate neurotransmitter release in a manner that prevents excessive neuronal activity (thus calming and decreasing anxiety), as well as reduces pain, reduces inflammation, regulates movement and posture control, and regulates sensory perception, memory, and cognitive function.”
The study also explains how cbd may have an antidepressant effect and how the use of cbd for anxiety actually works with our bodies cbd receptors:
“Other mechanisms of action of CBD include stimulation of vanilloid pain receptors (TRPV-1 receptor), which are known to mediate pain perception, inflammation, and body temperature.5 In addition, CBD may exert its anti-anxiety effect by activating adenosine receptors which play a significant role in cardiovascular function and cause a broad anti-inflammatory effect throughout the body.5 At high concentrations, CBD directly activates the 5-HT1A serotonin receptor, thereby conferring an antidepressant effect.”

cbd for anxiety

In Conclusion

As the young girl in this study was administered cbd daily over a period of 5 months, she made clinical progress in sleep and anxiety. The patient was “administered the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children18 and the Screen for Anxiety Related Disorders (SCARED)19 before taking the CBD oil and each month afterward.” Her test scores (table 2) consistently and steadily decreased, showing a marked difference from when she started cbd for anxiety and sleep. Additionally, she was able to sleep on her own which had not been the case for years, and her guardian reported that she was less anxious at school and home. In conclusion, the study found that, “CBD oil can be an effective compound to reduce anxiety and insomnia.” Below is a quote from the study, listing some other medicinal benefits of cbd:
“The last decade has shown a notable increase in the scientific literature on CBD, owing to its identification for reducing nausea and vomiting, combating psychotic disorders, reducing inflammation, decreasing anxiety and depression, improving sleep, and increasing a sense of well-being.912 Findings presented at the 2015 International Cannabinoid Research Society at its 25th Annual Symposium reported the use of CBD as beneficial for kidney fibrosis and inflammation, metabolic syndrome, overweight and obesity, anorexia-cachexia syndrome, and modification of osteoarthritic and other musculoskeletal conditions.”
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