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12 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Liquid Bariatric Vitamins

12 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Liquid Bariatric Vitamins

After bariatric surgery, your body may struggle to absorb certain nutrients efficiently due to changes in your digestive tract, potentially leading to nutritional deficiencies. That's where liquid bariatric vitamins come in. 

Liquid bariatric vitamins are tailor-made to address the unique nutritional needs of bariatric patients. However, to reap their benefits, you need to use them correctly. In this blog post, we'll explore 12 tips to help you get the most out of your liquid supplements.

12 Easy Ways to Make Your Liquid Bariatric Vitamins More Effective

12 Easy Ways to Make Your Liquid Bariatric Vitamins More Effective

Here are 12 simple strategies you can employ to maximize your vitamin intake:

1. Establish the Right Time to Take Your Supplements

While many liquid vitamins are best taken in the morning, there are others you should take in the evening. Here are some tips on what time of day to take your liquid bariatric vitamins:

Establish the Right Time to Take Your Supplements

Finally, besides taking your supplements at the right time, create a schedule to ensure you stick to your supplement regimen.

2. Determine How to Take Your Supplements

Most liquid supplements should be taken at mealtimes, as the body absorbs nutrients better with food. Additionally, experts recommend taking vitamins with food because it can help to prevent stomach upsets and nausea. 

However, there are some vitamins you shouldn't take with food. Bearing that in mind, here are some best practices to follow when taking liquid supplements:

  • Take fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) with food containing fat to enhance their absorption. For instance, you could take fat-soluble vitamin supplements with an avocado smoothie in the morning.
  • Take water-soluble vitamins (vitamins C and B vitamins) with water on an empty stomach to promote optimal absorption.
  • Take iron supplements on an empty stomach for maximal absorption.

3. Avoid Taking Certain Supplements Together

Some supplements don't pair well because they interfere with each other's absorption. For optimal absorption, avoid taking the following nutrients simultaneously:

  • Vitamin C and vitamin B12
  • Calcium and iron
  • Zinc and copper

4. Pair Certain Supplements Together

Avoid Taking Certain Supplements Together

While some supplements don't pair well, others complement each other and can improve each other's effectiveness. For instance, multiple studies have shown vitamin C can enhance iron absorption. Besides vitamin C and iron, here are some other nutrients that go well together:

5. Check for Interactions With Other Medications or Foods

Some prescription medications may interact with liquid vitamins, hindering their absorption. In some cases, some drug and supplement interactions could even harm your health. For instance, taking vitamin K supplements with a blood thinner may reduce the blood thinner's effectiveness.

Besides medications, some foods may also interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients. For instance, foods rich in phytates, like legumes and whole grains, can inhibit the absorption of various minerals.

Similarly, you'll want to minimize your caffeine intake as it may hinder the absorption of certain vitamins. Furthermore, because caffeine is a diuretic, it may make you pee more, accelerating the rate at which you excrete water-soluble vitamins from your body.

So, before starting a supplement regimen, consult your doctor to find out if there are any potential interactions between your medications or food and the supplement.

6. Adhere to Recommended Dosages

Adhere to Recommended Dosages

While supplements provide various health benefits, taking high doses of certain nutrients can harm your health. Here are some side effects of various nutrients when taken in large doses:

  • Vitamin A: Taking high doses of vitamin A can lead to vitamin A toxicity, which can cause health issues like drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, or even liver damage.
  • Vitamin B6: Taking high doses of vitamin B6 can cause heartburn, nausea, or even neurological complications.
  • Vitamin B9: Excessive consumption of vitamin B9 (folate) may affect cognitive functions or compromise immunity.
  • Vitamin C: Overdosing on vitamin C can cause gastrointestinal issues like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Vitamin D: Taking high doses of vitamin D can cause appetite loss, weight loss, or even raise calcium levels, leading to kidney failure.
  • Vitamin E: Excessive consumption of vitamin E may affect blood clotting, causing hemorrhages.
  • Selenium: Overdosing on selenium can result in severe issues such as tremors, breathing difficulties, and even heart failure.
  • As a result, you should exercise caution when taking supplements. Ensure you follow the recommended dosages prescribed by your doctor or dietician to avoid health complications that may arise from an overdose.

    7. Take Probiotics

    A healthy digestive tract can enable your body to absorb more nutrients from liquid bariatric vitamins. Eat foods that are rich in probiotics to improve your gut health.

    Some foods that contain high probiotic levels and can improve your gut health include:

  • Yogurt: Many yogurt products are rich in probiotics, which can help your body digest and absorb nutrients more effectively.
  • Aged cheeses: Certain aged cheeses, like raw cheddar and Swiss cheese, contain probiotics.
  • Kefir: Kefir is a fermented drink similar to yogurt, made with fermented kefir grains and milk. However, it contains less lactose than yogurt, making it ideal for lactose-intolerant individuals.
  • Sauerkraut: Sauerkraut is a good source of probiotics for vegans. It's made from fermented cabbage and other vegetables.

  • 8. Get Periodic Blood Tests

    Screening can help determine whether you need more or less of a specific nutrient. For instance, if you're vegan and don't get sufficient amounts of vitamin B12, vitamin D, or calcium from your diet, a blood test can reveal whether you need to increase your intake of these nutrients.

    9. Store Your Liquid Vitamins Appropriately

    Most liquid vitamins don't contain fillers, binders, or additives. While this makes them less likely to cause side effects, it reduces their shelf life.

    Check the label of your liquid bariatric vitamins for proper storage instructions, as improper storage can result in the degradation of nutrients.

    Generally, you should refrigerate your liquid vitamin supplements after opening them to maintain their freshness and efficacy. Also, you should keep them away from direct sunlight.

    10. Check the Expiration Date

    Most liquid bariatric vitamins lose their potency over time. This typically happens one year after opening but may vary from product to product.

    Check the product's ''best by'' or ''use by'' date label before consuming it. While it's unlikely that taking an expired liquid vitamin will cause serious harm, it may have lost its potency and won't be as effective.

    11. Take Natural Vitamins

    Studies have found that natural vitamins are more effective and potent than synthetic ones. For instance, natural vitamin E is absorbed and stored up to two times better in the body than its synthetic variant. 

    Look for brands that use natural ingredients to get the most out of your bariatric vitamins. Natural supplements usually list food sources or have a 100% plant or animal-based label. They also don't contain any artificial flavors or colors.

    12. Consult a Healthcare Professional

    Finally, consult your doctor or nutritionist if you want to start taking or have begun taking liquid bariatric vitamins. They can provide you with strategies on how to reap maximum benefits from your supplement regimen or point out mistakes you might be unaware you're making.

    Find High-Quality Liquid Bariatric Vitamins

    By following these 12 tips, you can reap maximum benefits from your liquid supplements. At Liquid Health, we offer a variety of liquid vitamins specially made to address the unique nutritional needs of bariatric patients.

    Our liquid bariatric vitamins are GMO-free, gluten-free, and contain zero additives. And best of all? Unlike unpleasant-tasting conventional pills that leave a bitter aftertaste, our liquid vitamins are available in tasty flavors like orange, melon cherry, raspberry melon, organic watermelon, and juicy orange and vanilla.

    Shop now for a wide selection of bariatric vitamins on our online store, and use the code BARIATRIC to get 15% off your first bundle order.


    Is It Possible to Overdose on Liquid Bariatric Vitamins?

    Yes, it's possible to overdose on liquid bariatric vitamins. For example, excessive vitamin E consumption may interfere with blood clotting.

    What's the Best Time of Day to Take Liquid Supplements?

    Most liquid supplements are best taken in the morning. However, supplements, such as those containing melatonin, are best taken before bedtime because they induce sleep.

    Can Liquid Supplements Interact With Medication?

    Certain liquid supplements can interact with prescription medication, reducing their efficacy or even causing harmful side effects. For example, vitamin E supplements can interact with blood-thinning medications, reducing their effectiveness. Consult your physician to determine whether there are any potential interactions between your prescription medications and liquid supplements.

    How Should I Store Liquid Bariatric Vitamins?

    Most liquid bariatric vitamins should be refrigerated unless otherwise stated on the product label or information leaflet. Also, they should be tightly closed once opened and kept away from sunlight to maintain their potency.

    Should I Take Vitamins With or Without Food?

    Fat-soluble vitamin supplements are better absorbed by the body when consumed with food, while water-soluble vitamins are better absorbed when taken with water on an empty stomach.

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