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10 Common Mistakes to Avoid After Bariatric Surgery

10 Common Mistakes to Avoid After Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is an effective long-term way to lose weight. But, after undergoing bariatric surgery, your weight loss journey doesn't end in the operating room. To stay in shape, you'll need to take bariatric vitamins to get the essential nutrients you need and avoid deficiencies. 

However, with many bariatric vitamins available, navigating the world of bariatric vitamins can feel somewhat perplexing. Here, we'll explore common pitfalls to avoid with bariatric vitamins post-surgery to ensure you maintain your ideal weight and stay healthy.

10 Risky Mistakes to Avoid With Bariatric Vitamins Post-Surgery

10 Risky Mistakes to Avoid With Bariatric Vitamins Post-Surgery

If you want to stay on track with your weight goals after bariatric surgery, here are ten common mistakes to avoid:

1. Skipping Regular Monitoring and Check-ups

Seeing the spectacular results after bariatric surgery may make you feel elated, resulting in complacency. But you shouldn't throw caution to the wind. Post-surgery, you should still keep tabs on your health.

Ensure you get regular blood tests and check-ups to track your nutritional needs so that you can adjust your vitamin regimen if necessary. Skipping these crucial appointments can result in deficiencies going unnoticed, so ensure they're a mandatory part of your wellness routine.

2. Ignoring Individual Nutritional Needs

Nutritional needs vary from person to person. As a result, there's no one-size-fits approach when taking bariatric vitamins. While you may take similar vitamins with another individual who has undergone bariatric surgery, your nutritional requirements may vary due to factors like your medical history, dietary habits, and absorption capacity. 

So, don't ignore your individual nutritional needs, as doing so could lead to imbalances and hinder your weight loss progress. Consult your doctor or dietician to tailor a vitamin plan that caters to your specific requirements.

3. Inconsistent Vitamin Supplementation

When taking bariatric vitamins, it's essential to stay the course. Skipping doses or sporadically taking your vitamins can lead to nutrient gaps and erode your progress. So, develop a consistent routine that aligns with your daily activities to ensure you don't forget to take your vitamins.  

If you have an active lifestyle, consider setting reminders on your smartphone, computer, or smartwatch to remind you to take your medication. This consistency will contribute significantly to your weight loss progress and overall well-being.

4. Overlooking Proper Timing and Dosages

Timing and dosages are critical to optimal absorption of bariatric vitamins. While some vitamins, like vitamins A, D, E, and K, are best absorbed with food, others, like vitamin C, are best taken on an empty stomach. Additionally, taking excessive doses of certain vitamins like vitamins A and D can result in issues like nausea, vomiting, and muscle aches.

So, don't just pop a pill whenever. Follow your doctor or dietician's recommendations for timing and dosage to ensure your body gets the most out of each vitamin. 

5. Not Adhering to Post-Surgery Dietary Guidelines

Post-surgery, your dietary habits must change. Ignoring post-surgery dietary guidelines can jeopardize your weight loss success and hinder the absorption of essential vitamins. 

If your doctor or dietician has prohibited you from consuming certain things like carbonated drinks, alcohol, or sugary treats, ensure you adhere to these guidelines to promote your post-health surgery. Deviating from them can lead to nutritional imbalances and complications, undermining the efficacy of bariatric vitamins.

6. Disregarding Water-Soluble Vitamin Importance 

Water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C and B vitamins are easily absorbed. While this makes them a convenient nutritional source, they're also readily excreted — necessitating consistent replenishment. 

Skipping doses or neglecting regular intake can lead to deficiencies that manifest quickly, affecting your energy levels, immunity, and cognition. Prioritize consistent intake of water-soluble vitamins to avoid these complications and maintain your well-being post-surgery.

7. Neglecting the Importance of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, plays a critical role in nerve function, red blood cell production, and DNA synthesis. Unfortunately, bariatric surgery can hinder its absorption. Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to issues like fatigue, neurological issues, and even anemia. 

So, don't sideline this essential nutrient. Give it the importance it deserves. Regularly monitor your B12 levels and consult your doctor or dietician to determine the most effective supplementation strategy for your needs.

Available in a tasty watermelon flavor, our Pure Methyl B12 formula, tailor-made for bariatric surgery patients, can provide you with your daily dose of vitamin B, ensuring you stay energetic and focused throughout your day.

8. Relying Solely on Multivitamin Supplements

Bariatric-specific multivitamins like our Complete Multiple formula provide various essential vitamins like vitamins A, C, D, E, and B-complex vitamins. However, while they offer convenience, they may not always address your specific post-surgical needs. 

That's why it's essential to identify specific nutritional gaps and complement your multivitamin with targeted supplements. Consult your doctor or dietician about additional targeted supplements that contain one vitamin, like vitamin C or D, to fill any potential nutritional gaps.  

Some targeted supplements we offer include:

  • Vegan Vitamin D3:
  • Vegan Vitamin D3
    Vitamin D is critical to optimal bone health, neurological function, and immunity. Available in a delicious orange flavor, our Vegan Vitamin D3 formula is a rapidly absorbed liquid supplement that can provide you with your daily dose of Vitamin D post-surgery.
  • Mega Energy B-Complex:
  • Mega Energy B-Complex
    Vitamin B is pivotal to the proper functioning of the nervous system and the production of red blood cells. Our Mega Energy B-Complex formula contains a rich blend of all eight complex B vitamins to support proper nerve system functioning and red blood cell production.
  • Vegan Liquid High Potency Iron Supplement:
  • Vegan Liquid Iron formula
    Iron is a vital mineral that plays a pivotal role in the formation of hemoglobin — a protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Iron deficiency can lead to fatigue and even anemia. Our Vegan Liquid Iron formula is tailor-made to boost energy levels and promote cognition.
  • Calcium & Magnesium:
  • Calcium & Magnesium
    Calcium and magnesium are critical minerals that support healthy bones and teeth. Bariatric surgery can affect their absorption. Our Calcium & Magnesium formula contains a rich blend of vital nutrients that work harmoniously to promote bone health. And best of all? It comes in a tasty orange and vanilla flavor.

    9. Overlooking Potential Medication Interactions

    Some medications can interact with your bariatric vitamins, minimizing their efficacy or absorption. Similarly, the opposite is also true. For example, antiseizure medications like carbamazepine and phenytoin can interfere with the absorption of Vitamin D. Similarly, vitamin K supplements can counteract the effects of blood-thinning medications, reducing their efficacy.

    Therefore, always disclose to your physician or dietician all medications and supplements you're taking to avoid any potential conflicts. This open communication can ensure a harmonious integration of medications and supplements, safeguarding your health.

    10. Delaying Consultation with Healthcare Professionals

    Don't wait for issues to go from bad to worse before seeking professional help post-surgery, as doing so can lead to severe complications. Whether you're experiencing unusual symptoms or need guidance on your bariatric vitamin supplement regimen, don't hesitate to seek professional advice promptly. 

    Early intervention can prevent severe issues and ensure you're on the optimal path to long-term weight control and good overall health.


    Many people think bariatric surgery is a shortcut for weight loss. But this couldn't be farther from the truth. Without a commitment to lifestyle changes, such as taking bariatric vitamins as prescribed, you could lose all the gains you've made and compromise your well-being.

    dietary guideline do's and don'ts

    So, don't become complacent post-surgery. Avoid the common pitfalls listed here to enhance the effectiveness of your bariatric vitamins and fuel your body for long-term success.


    Can I Rely Solely on Multivitamins After Bariatric Surgery?

    While multivitamins offer convenience due to their all-in-one approach, they may not cover all your individual nutritional needs. It's essential to identify particular deficiencies through regular monitoring and complement your multivitamin with targeted supplements for comprehensive post-surgery nutrition.

    Do I Need to Take Bariatric Vitamins Forever Post-Surgery?

    While individual needs vary, most bariatric surgery patients require lifelong supplementations after procedures like sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass surgery due to reduced food intake and altered nutrient absorption. Consult your doctor or dietician for personalized recommendations.

    What Are the Most Essential Vitamins and Minerals I Need to Take Post-Surgery?

    Healthcare professionals recommend that bariatric surgery patients take supplements containing vitamin D with calcium, vitamins C, B12, and iron, as these are the nutrients the body often struggles to absorb post-surgery. 

    However, individual needs may vary from person to person. Consult your doctor or dietician to determine your specific requirements.

    What Is the Difference Between Bariatric Multivitamins and Regular Multivitamins?

    Regular multivitamins are designed for the general population, and they may not address the unique needs of bariatric surgery patients. Bariatric multivitamins, on the other hand, are specially formulated for individuals who have undergone weight loss surgery.

    Bariatric multivitamins typically contain higher doses of key nutrients that might be deficient after bariatric surgical procedures, such as vitamin B12, iron, and calcium. Additionally, they typically come in forms more easily absorbed by a post-surgery digestive system.

    What Are Some Potential Side Effects of Bariatric Vitamins?

    Bariatric vitamins are generally well-tolerated, but like other supplements, they may cause side effects in some individuals. Common side effects include gastrointestinal issues like nausea, constipation, or stomach discomfort. These symptoms often arise when bariatric vitamins aren't taken as prescribed. 

    Take your bariatric supplements as your doctor or dietician prescribes to avoid these issues. However, if you experience persistent side effects, consult your healthcare provider to adjust your supplement regimen and address any underlying issues.

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