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Liquid Chlorella Supplements

Chlorella supplements continue to grow in popularity. Chlorella is a green algæ that grows in fresh water. While this may not sound particularly exciting in and of itself, chlorella is packed with nutrients. Chlorella is about 45% protein, 20% fat, 20% carbohydrate, 10% vitamins and minerals, and 5% fiber. It is now mass-produced in large, manmade ponds.

Chlorella has a peculiar history. During the early 1950s, there were fears that the world would be unable to produce enough food to support the booming population. Accordingly, “super foods” like spirulina and chlorella were considered possible solutions to the crisis.

Many legitimate institutions researched chlorella and the development of chlorella supplements extensively. Once a study conducted at Stanford University suggested that highly nutritious chlorella might be grown with relative ease, the press went wild, touting chlorella as the food of the future, the divinely-inspired solution to the problem of world hunger.

Predictions about chlorella’s ubiquitous future abounded. But chlorella was not cultivated as extensively as some predicted, and better crop efficiency and technological advances seemed to render superfoods like chlorella unnecessary. However, chlorella products are still promoted by many companies as a powerful super food, and its recognized nutritional content seems to justify this promotion.

Chlorella liquid supplements are used for many health conditions, presumably because of its high nutrient content. It has been used for immune system support, bad breath, constipation, hypertension, high cholesterol, asthma, fibromyalgia, and cancer. It is also sometimes used topically to treat rashes and skin ulcer.

But few, if any of these uses have been validated by scientific research, so the consumer would be wise to carefully research chlorella before purchasing or using a liquid chlorella supplement. Ingestion of a chlorella product should never to be used to justify delaying or forgoing a consultation with a certified medical practitioner.

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