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Making And Sticking To Your New Year's Resolutions

Making And Sticking To Your New Year's Resolutions

New Year's is a time when people set goals to better themselves. These goals are called new year's resolutions and throughout the year, people work on them to improve themselves. However, according to the U.S. News & World Report, 80% of the resolutions that are set are broken and given up on by the second week of February. So, how do you set an achievable new year's resolution? Continue reading to learn more about keeping your new year's resolution.

How To Set A New Year's Resolution

There are many things that go into setting a New Year's resolution. The main one being what you want to improve on for the coming year. When you set your goals, there are some things to remember. The first one being to focus on one aspect that you improve on and to solely improve that. That way you do not get sidetracked and slip up.

Another thing that you should do when setting your resolution is to set one that is achievable. states "Don't pick a New Year's resolution that's bound to fail either, like running a marathon if you're 40lbs overweight and get out of breath walking upstairs." Instead of trying to go big with your New Year's resolution, try to aim for something smaller such as walking every day to lose weight and than work up to running a marathon at the end of the year.

Keeping Your New Year's Resolution

Write Down Your Goals

Writing down your New Year's resolutions can help you keep them by reminding you of them. One thing that you can do to better remember them and keep them in mind is to hang them up somewhere. Some examples of great places to hang them are by your bed, or on your bathroom mirror. You can also place them in your car as long as they do not become a distraction while you are driving.

Set a Time-Frame

Setting a time frame for your New Year's resolution can help you stay on track with it. It is important to set dates as to when you will do things related to it. Some dates you should mark is your start date, and some dates throughout the year to check your progress. Another date to mark your calendar is an end date that you want to have reached your goal by such as by August 1st I want to lose 30lbs or something similar. Some people may not have specific dates for their New Year's resolution as it may just be eating out less. However, each month they can look back and see how many times they did and the improvements they made.

Check-In With Others

If you check in with your family or a close friend from time to time, you can have someone who can help hold you accountable for your New Year's resolution. They can also support you throughout your journey to better yourself. Make sure that you are not relying on them for everything, as they are not responsible for you to actually follow through with your New Year's resolution. If they also have a resolution of their own and you want to return the favor, you can provide them with support and check-in with them to see how they are doing with their goals.

Reward Yourself

If you have followed through with your New Year's resolution, don't be afraid to reward yourself. The American Psychological Association (APA) states, "Make sure the reward does not conflict with the change you are trying to make, like eating a bowl of ice cream because you lost five pounds." Instead, maybe reward yourself with a purchase of something you have wanted. If you set a time-frame as mentioned above, you can add rewards to the calendar to keep yourself motivated throughout the year.

Learn From Mistakes

If you end up failing at your resolution like the 80% of people who do, don't give up. You can still continue to try and better yourself. One thing to do is look back and try to figure out what caused you to fail and avoid it next time so you can complete your New Year's resolution.

Another thing to note is that if you have something else that you want to change or improve on, you do not need to wait until the next year. You can always add, or reassess your goals throughout the year if you need to.


Keeping your New Year's resolution can be difficult, but if you stick to it and keep trying you can better yourself. To recap, if you haven't set your goals yet, make sure they are achievable, and make sure you plan out a time-frame that is complete with a deadline. Be sure to check out one of our previous articles to learn more about How Cinnamon Affects The Body.


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