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Gratitude and Your Health

Gratitude and Your Health

November is a time for gathering with friends and family and pondering what you are grateful for. However, did you know that there is a correlation between gratitude and positive thinking and your health? Gratitude can have both mental and physical health benefits. So many people focus on the things going wrong in their lives or what they do not have. While changing your mindset may not change your situation, it can help you feel like you can handle tough situations better. Just imagine if everyone spent more time being grateful for what they have.

Improves Mental Health

a girl holding a sign that says "give thanks"

One of the most noticeable effects of gratitude and positive thinking is the effect on mental health. People have proven over and over that focusing on the things you are grateful for rather than the things you do not have can lead to happiness. Not only that, but it can help treat the effects of depression. When people are grateful for what they have, they are less likely to experience feelings of envy and jealousy.

Almost everyone has heard the quote, “comparison is the thief of joy.” This could not be truer! With the increase in technology and social media, mental health has become a big problem. This is especially true for adolescents. People are constantly comparing themselves to the people they see on their screens. They compare hair, skin, clothes, lifestyles, and even their families and friends. If it looks like a part of someone’s life is better than their own, they may feel envious and depressed. However, studies have shown that positive thinking can help improve mental health. It may not cure mental health, but it has been proven to be an effective treatment.

Improves Physical Health

Gratitude and positive thinking also affect physical health. Many people struggle to get the proper amount of sleep every night. However, studies have shown a link between gratitude and better sleep. Getting enough sleep each night is vital for everyday function. Some ways to help yourself focus on gratitude could be to write in a journal each day, say what you are grateful for out loud, or even just go through a list of the things you are grateful for in your head. Over time, you may even feel overwhelming gratitude throughout your day as things happen.

Hopefully, learning more about gratitude and your health encourages you to make it a part of your everyday life. Do not wait until the holidays to think about it. Your mental and physical health needs gratitude every day. Check out our article, “Best Self-Care Podcasts”, for more information and tips on living a happy and healthy life.


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