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ADHD Vitamins for Kids: What You Should Look For

There is a lot of debate about whether medicating a child with ADHD is the best decision, and while I have no direct experience with this, I would venture to say it has to be a case-by-case personal decision. This is definitely a situation where one size does not fit all and people have different resources available to them, so you have to do what is right for you and your child. With that being said, there are some minerals and supplements that have shown some promise in helping to reduce the symptoms of ADHD. So if you’re willing to or looking to try some adhd vitamins for kids, these are a few ingredients to consider:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids/DHA
A study done in Sweden, testing the affect of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on ADHD symptoms found the following: “A subgroup of children and adolescents with ADHD, characterized by inattention and associated neurodevelopmental disorders, treated with omega 3/6 fatty acids for 6 months responded with meaningful reduction of ADHD symptoms.”

According to “Several studies have shown a reduction in hyperactivity and impulsivity with zinc supplementation. The same studies, though, report no change in inattentiveness, which is another key symptom of ADHD. A 2005 study in the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, though, did show a correlation between zinc levels and teacher- and parent-rated inattention in children.”

Dr. David Perlmutter is quoted on as saying Phosphatidyl Serine, Alpha lipoic acid, Coenzyme Q-10, and Ginkgo Biloba “have been clinically proven to protect the brain and enhance brain function, and he has had great success with them in his own practice.”

Valerian root extract and Melatonin may be beneficial for some suffering from ADHD because of their ability to calm moods and relax the person taking them. shares that children taking a stimulant medication for ADHD, who also took melatonin were noted by researchers to have “improved sleep problems in these children.”

Vitamin B6
A study reported on the National Institutes of Health website found “In almost all cases of ADHD, Mg-B6 (Magnesium/Vitamin B6) regimen for at least two months significantly modified the clinical symptoms of the disease: namely, hyperactivity and hyperemotivity/aggressiveness were reduced, school attention was improved.”

Kyorin University Medical School Researchers conducted a study on 60 sixth graders in 2005. This study tested the effects of GABA on brain function and stress levels while taking a math test. The group that was given GABA answered not only more questions than the other group, but also had 20% more correct answers, showing that GABA appeared to increase the brains ability to work quickly. The stress levels recorded in the GABA group were also lower than those of the other students. In response to this study, Michael T. Murray, ND said “there is no question that it (GABA) can be used very successfully during stressful times to increase feelings of calmness and improve mental focus, which may be beneficial to children who have issues with hyperactivity and/or focus.”

Only time and more testing will show the long term affects of these adhd vitamins for kids. Be sure to do your own research before starting any kind of liquid nutritional supplements on yourself or your children. And of course no major decisions should be made without first talking with your health care provider.


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